Dr. Vivek Jadhao


Bladder stones are hard masses of minerals that form stones in bladder. These stones can cause issues such as pain and difficulty emptying the bladder. Though, small bladder stones may pass without treatment over time, larger bladder stones need intervention to get them out.

Procedures for patients with symptomatic bladder stones include laser procedure such as Endoscopic Cystolithotripsy.

The Procedure

The procedure is performed under general or regional/ spinal anesthesia. Specific instructions on medications and diet before the date of the procedure are instructed to the patient.

During the surgery, the surgeon passes a small lighted tube known as cystoscope, through the urethra and into the urinary bladder. The surgeon, using a high definition camera locates the stone in the bladder and it may be removed as a whole or if the stone is large, it is fragmented into smaller pieces using a laser fiber or a lithoclast machine. These pieces are then taken out and clearance is confirmed.

In most cases, to ensure proper drainage, a urinary catheter is left in the bladder after the surgery for a few hours

After removing the stones, they are sent to the lab to know their exact composition. Based on the results, doctor will recommend treatment and precautions to prevent future stones formation. This may include changes in the diet or taking supplements or medications.

Recovering from the Surgery

The doctor will prescribe medications after surgery to prevent infection, pain, inflammation and other symptoms. The patient is usually discharged the same day or the next day of the procedure. The patient can resume his or her normal activities or as soon as they feel comfortable. Most patients resume their work the next day itself.

Advantages of Laser Treatment for Bladder Stone Removal

• Involves no cuts and hence no scarring
• Faster healing and recovery
• Practically no complications
• Reduces chances of infection
• Reduces chances of blood loss
• Early discharge
• Happy and pain-free post operative course